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Window Frame System

Product number: 50.0014.77
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Our Window Frame System makes it easy to display and change signs in your store window. It consists of an aluminum snap frame, a flat border frame, an acrylic backer and a plastic cover. The snap frame is attached to the inside of the store window using double-sided tape. The flat border frame is attached to the outside of the window. The sides of the snap frame flip open. Your signs are inserted into the snap frame back-to-back, so that one side of the sign is visible from the inside of the store and the other side of the sign is visible on the outside. 

The flat border frame frames the sign that is showing on the exterior of the window and also hides the tape from the snap frame on the interior of the window. This allows you to display signs on both sides of the window while only allowing access to the signs from the inside of your store. The Window Frame System holds two 22" x 28" signs.

To change your signs, simply flip the snap frame open and insert your new signs. 

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Pricing Poster Size Product number Item Price
11" x 17" 11" x 17" 50.0014.79 $ 55.10 view Article »
22" x 28" 22" x 28" 50.0014.77 $ 84.34 view Article »
24" x 36" 24" x 36" 50.0014.78 $ 103.42 view Article »
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